  • phone: 0421 444232
  • Hastedter Heerstraße 102, 28207 Bremen

use this page to order repeat prescriptions. Please understand that we can only process prescription requests for medication that has been previously prescribed by us.

The processing time is usually half a working day. If you order a prescription in the morning, you can pick it up in the afternoon. If you order a prescription in the afternoon, you can pick it up the next working day.

From now on you will receive electronic prescriptions and certificates of incapacity for work from us.
To ensure a smooth process, we recommend that you have your health card read in the practice at the beginning of the quarter.

In urgent cases, please contact us by phone.

    first name (required field)

    family name (required field)

    date of birth: (required field)

    email address

    phone number (required field)

    Please enter your prescription (with name of medicament) request here: